Why, Yes, I Am Crazy . . .

I'd initially planned to sit out this year's NaNoWriMo, on the basis that I had a novel to revise and a number of other projects on my plate.

Suffice to say that one such project got removed from my plate and left enough room that I figured, what the heck, let's give it another go.

My current tally is over eight thousand words.  And, to make it even more ridiculous, it is a sequel to the very first NaNoWriMo I successfully completed.  So next year, I'll pretty much be stuck writing something new.

I am enjoying it immensely.  It is light, fluffy, self-indulgent, utterly unpublishable and exactly what I needed to be doing.

So the next month or so will be taken up with that.  I'll poke here periodically and let y'all know how it's coming along.


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