Keeping Track

NaNoWriMo comes with some lovely stats pages so you can see where you are and where you should be by now in your wordcount. But I realized that I'd forgotten my own personal tracking method which works as a surprisingly good motivator. I figured I'd share it here (nearly halfway through the month--go figure) in case anybody else might benefit from it. My amazing high-tech word count indicator and motivation device consists of a sheet of graph paper from a pad I picked up somewhere for cheap and still haven't used up. There are fifty lines to a sheet and forty-one squares to a line. I mark off a block of forty-by-fifty and notch it at intervals of four along the top and intervals of ten along the side. Each time my wordcount advances by twenty-five words, I put an X in one of the squares. Four boxes adds up to one hundred words and each line of forty adds up to a thousand. Twenty five words isn't much. Twenty five words can be something a...