Clarion West Write-A-Thon - The Aftermath

I signed up for the Clarion West Write-A-Thon because my hope was that it would motivate me to get my arse in gear and get a workable draft completed of The Two Kinds of Magic.

This did not happen.

There are reasons, some that cannot be discussed in public and others that are all too familiar.  (The Ugly Handsome Man was in fine form, I must say.)  In point of fact, I was in a bad enough place that I couldn't even make myself write excuse notes, so there are a lot of unexcused non-writing days to account for.

I believe today is the last day to donate.  If you'd like to make a donation on my behalf, despite my miserable failure, the link is thus:  Anybody who does will be sent one of my Ten Thousand Flowers to the address you provide when you make the donation--you will not need to send a SASE to receive it.

I am slowly working my way back to regular writing sessions in an effort to complete this beast.  My new self-imposed deadline is DragonCon.  If you see me there, you are permitted to ask me if I succeeded.


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