It's That Time Again

    One more week until that scary time of year...


    Yup, November fast approaches, and thus National Novel Writing Month. I plan to draft a reboot of the third volume of the Christophina trilogy, Christophina's Moon. I still haven't brought the second volume, Christophina's Garden, to its intended conclusion (and it's been nearly a year!) Volume one, Christophina's Wings (remember that?), has been run past my writers group and is sliced up in Scrivener, awaiting revision. I'm going to be neck-deep in this thing for a while. 

    I've decided to dust off this wee blog and use it to chart my progress as I go. I'll at least post my wordcount by day and by total, and may go a little into the process and maybe even detail what happened within the story. Still deciding.

    tl:dr - Hi! I'm back! I'm doing NaNoWriMo again! I'll write about it here! See you soon!


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