NaNoWriMo: The Aftermath

 I made it! That's really the overall feeling that comes out of this year's effort--I made it. How did I manage this with a full-time job? I know I've done it, repeatedly. But this year it was harder than it's been in a while. I lost a couple of evenings doing things that were not writing, and that days that I did write were under 1,000 words for a long stretch. One day, I only wrote 93 words. But I persisted, had a couple of high-volume days, and hit 50,000 a few days before the 30th. 

The story is nowhere near complete--my outline is 26 chapters, plus epilogue, and I left off at the start of chapter 19. My master plan is to return to Christophina's Garden, create a new outline for what's been written and what has yet to be written, and then finish the thing! After that, I'll finish up Christophina's Moon and then work on revising all three books simultaneously to sift out the continuity errors. If I'm clever enough, I may be able to come up with a story arc that runs through all three books.

It's sort of weird not having first lines and last lines to post after so much time doing that. Perhaps I'll resume the habit when I'm writing new material, if the NaNoWriMo forums are still closed. We'll see.


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