Project Juneiverse - Finishing Christophina's Moon

 Now that I've brought Christophina's Garden to a proper ending, it's time to complete the trilogy and get Christophina's Moon finished. I looked over the outline, made some calculations, and set up a Camp NaNoWriMo goal for July. I'm shooting for 30,000 words. I think I can pull it off. Heck, I've got one more day to work with than in November.

The rest of the month will be spent drafting a short story for a Tanith Lee tribute anthology. My hope is to get it done in time to run it past my writers group before the submission window opens. I've banged out an outline and I'll start writing it tomorrow. I have no idea how long it's going to be. Long enough to get all the ideas in. That's all I can be certain about.


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