
Showing posts from March, 2011

Possibility and Impossibility

So I've snuck Soft Places just under the wire for Open Door Month at Angry Robot Books . I had a month to perfect it but, true to form, I just put it off instead until there was no other choice. The thing I've come to understand about my tendency to procrastinate such things is that in a weird sort of way the part of me that puts things off is trying to protect me from the disappointment of failure. The imaginary victory of contemplating what you could have done can be pleasurable in its way, while the pain of genuine defeat is not one that anybody I know rushes to embrace. I came across a rather odd insight that has changed my perspective on a lot of things- -what I can imagine will inevitably surpass what reality can provide . This seems a bit obvious when attempting to become a writer of fiction, particularly fantasy-type fiction but it hit me that this doesn't just apply to stories but also to the imaginary conversations I have with people I'm on my way to meet...