NaNoWriMo Day 13: Losing a Support Post

 Word count: 19,077

The NaNoWriMo forums are not a requirement to do NaNoWriMo. But they are awfully helpful. Not only are they ways to interact with other human beings when you're hunkered down in the trenches of noveling, but they are human beings who get that strange obsession you're in the midst of.

I use it a lot for motivation. Each month, someone dutifully sets up a thread for people to post their goals, whether they're daily, weekly, or monthly, and then at the end of the day post about how well they did. I also start each day posting my first line of the day in a thread for it, and at the end of the day post the last line of the day. There was also a thread called something like Badly Describe What Happened In Your Story Today! in which one posted a brief summary of the day's words in a way that didn't convey the information very well. And my favorite thread was probably I Swear This Makes Sense in Context! which is likely self-explanatory.

I found out today that the forums are closed until further notice, pending investigation into some very nasty business which I pray will not be the downfall of NaNoWriMo. So I'm going to post them here in the interim.

First line of the day: There’s a reporter who wants to come over to the house and profile us,” Ethan says.

Last line of the day: Right!” he declares. “That’s it! I’ve done what I can; it’s time to turn over.”

Bad description: Young couple gets interviewed and has carnal relations in a bathtub.

Makes sense in context: He opens his eyes and looks at me. “You’re a water nymph. Tempting me into your realm, from which I can never return.”


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