NaNoWriMo Day 19: Pulling Ahead

 Word count: 34,661

I had all Sunday, but my wordcount increase wasn't as great as last week's because I was writing a pretty crucial scene and got jammed on it. Out comes the notebook, and two-and-a-half pages of longhand later, I've figured out what happened in what order. It flowed pretty well from there. Then I got to the end of it and realized I'd missed a particularly important plot point and had to poke in some seeding on it in the parts I'd already written. (Hey, it's more words.)

Thanksgiving will be my next big grind, and the Sunday that follows, and the rest of the days I'll make time around work and other obligations. I think I can pull it off.

First line of the day: “So, Bill,” he says. “I’ve never known a Bill before. That should make it easy to remember. What do you do?”

Last line of the day: “What if we did it for charity?” Ethan suggests. “Put the rights up for auction—within certain limitations, of course—and give the money for, I don’t know, the International Library Fund or something.”

Bad summary: The best man is insatiably curious about the bride's side of the family, which makes the rehearsal dinner a bit weird. Wedding goes off with only a few hitches.

Makes sense in context: "How secure do you want this thing on your head?”


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