NaNoWriMo Day 28: Victory and Beyond

 Word count: 51,307 (reached 50,000 on Monday)

This year, I did a chapter-by-chapter outline to guide me. There are twenty-six chapters, plus an epilogue, in the outline. I am currently on chapter eighteen. No, I don't expect to finish the narrative by Thursday.

There is much said in the realms of novel-writing advice about the "mushy middle", the part when you are convinced that you suck as a writer and see no way forward. The trick is to persist, persist, persist until you get closer to the end and reach firmer ground. I seem to have reached the finish line in NaNoWriMo right in the midst of the mushy middle. Everything is awful and boring and I don't know if I'll ever be able to fix it.

But, I do know the cure. Which is to keep writing and worry about the mess later. I plan to keep at it all the way to the 30th for a victory lap. Maybe I'll make it to chapter nineteen.

First line of the day: Lost, because I didn't post here yesterday.

Last line of the day: I end the call and go back to the texture I’m working on.

Bad summary: Young couple watch themselves on television. Young woman has video chat with her niece.

Makes sense in context: "It felt great. Is that bad of me?”


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