NaNoWriMo Day 23: Thanksgiving Day

 Word count: 41,054

Didn't pull as far ahead as I hoped, even taking the day off from AI work for Thanksgiving. There were certain distractions that nipped at my heels all day. Plus, I do have to spend time with my family eating turkey and things. Almost his 2,000 words for the day, though, so not bad.

First line of the day: “Think you can do it on the flatpage. That’s how I bought the land to begin with. Think you can do in in 3-D space as well. I’ll have a look after dinner.”

Last line of the day: “Craaaaazy busy,” I reply.

Bad summary: Young man gives parcel of soon-to-be-worthless virtual land to young woman. Young woman's niece asks for help shutting up people who don't think young woman is really her aunt. Young woman crafts evidence and places it in virtual installation. Young woman visits virtual world on the last day of its existence.

Makes sense in context: “That’s so many double-negatives, I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult.”


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