
Just at the point when I think, oh, man, I'm so stuck, I'm never going to finish this thing, I wound up devoting all three of my morning pages to writing about it. It's a sort of ramble about something that happens 'offstage' and now I'll have to rewrite the scene it leads up to now that I know more about what happened beforehand.

I sometimes wonder if there's going to be a word left standing of my original draft by the time I'm done with it.


Joanne said…
Oh the intricacies of revision! I sometimes feel the same way, going through my work with a fresh eye. It's amazing how passages can look different from day to day.
Sheila O'Shea said…
What's even odder is when revising a line in one scene forces me to go to another scene to update it according to that revision and then I'm twonking around with that passage. But I suppose that's a good thing, because it binds everything more tightly together.

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